What are you waiting on?

Welcome to your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word wait. Repeat this out loud, “I am the person I’ve been waiting on, I am the change that I seek, I am the missing piece, I am the success story! Maybe the person you are waiting on is you! Here’s the thing, everything you want, also wants you. Your purpose is waiting on you. In our society today, we live for instant gratification. When we don’t achieve our goals and dreams as quickly as we think we should, we are likely to throw in the towel and give up on the things we desire to accomplish. Life has become about the convenience of things and this can really impact our success. Sometimes we need to wait, and more importantly we need to know what we are waiting for. Waiting isn’t about sitting with our fingers crossed on a hope and a prayer. It’s work, it hustle, it’s expectation, and it’s trust. We wait in expectation that the best is yet to come while living in the moment as though it is the most important moment of our life. What we don’t do is wait on an outside variable to change our life. If we do this, we will be waiting forever. You have to do something, you have the responsibility of changing your life. You are the success story!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


To stay in one place in expectation.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

If you are in a waiting season in your life, remember it’s a part of your success journey. Like the saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.” The key is to be sure about what you are waiting for and make sure you aren’t simply passing time or procrastinating. To wait is an action and a part of the process. When to wait and when to take action is an important thing to know. In our article we share three reasons to wait and three reasons to move on. Check it out here: Click Here to Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Consider these 4 questions and write your answers down in your Success Workbook & Journal.
  1. What are you waiting for?
  2. Is it time to wait or time to take action?
  3. Are you waiting or procrastinating?
  4. How can you live in the moment and enjoy where you are while you wait on what’s next? 

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

If you are waiting to pass the time, it’s not really the wait. ~Unknown

If you are waiting for the perfect time, you will be waiting forever. The time is now for you to get a coach and get busy achieving the goals and dreams you desire! If you haven’t upgraded yet, consider our Launch My Success Membership. Included in this membership, is weekly group coaching with one of our awesome Success Partners. You can learn more about them here:

Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

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