
Corporate Accelerate My Success

Corporate Launch My Success

Corporate My Success


$2,995.00 per Month.

$1,295.00 per Month.

$495.00 per Month.

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Business Resource Benefits Yes Yes Yes
Launch My Success Memberships 8 Memberships 4 Memberships 3 Memberships
Accelerate My Success Memberships 4 Memberships 2 Memberships No
Employee Success Training Sessions 6 Sessions 4 Sessions 2 Sessions
Employee Discount 30% Discount 25% Discount 20% Discount
Business Sponsor Yes No No
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Corporate Accelerate My Success

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$2,995.00 per Month.

Corporate Launch My Success

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$1,295.00 per Month.

Corporate My Success

Sign Me Up!

$495.00 per Month.

  • Business Resource Benefits

As a business resources in our I’ve Decided Community you will have a listing under our Business Resource Page Tab on our website. Your business will be listed under the categories that best describe your product and/or services. You will have a full page describing your business, and you may add videos, pictures, and a link to your website. You have the option to provide an exclusive member discount to all of our I’ve Decided Community Members, as well as the option to be a vendor at our Annual Weekend Success Conference.

  • Launch My Success Membership Benefits
    • Monthly Member Success Session:

The Monthly Member Success Sessions are offered in person or virtual (hybrid). This opportunity is designed for you to share and connect with your fellow I’ve Decided Members, The Success Partners, and our Founder, Kim Martin. The group discussion is formed around a specific topic where you will have the chance to share your thoughts, and in return be encouraged by the input of others. The Monthly Member Success Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 4:30-6pm CST.

    • Weekly OnDemand Success Coaching:

Every Tuesday morning, you will have access to a recorded video coaching session led by our Founder and Success Coach, Kim Martin, on our website. Kim will lead you through the Weekly Winning Resource and give her insight as to how you can apply the Weekly Winning Word to living a life decided and your success. Kim will be in your ear each week challenging you to act, providing you accountability and support, motivating you, inspiring you, giving you information and education, tools, and resources, encouraging you to have the right mindset, and helping you apply the value of personal development to your life.

    • Weekly Winning Resource:

Each week you will receive a new edition of our Weekly Winning Resource. The information provided sets you up for success as you start your week. The content is geared around a motivational word you can apply to your life that will help you stay motivated and encouraged. It includes an article that pertains to the topic, a challenge, and a quote. This content can be used personally or to motivate your team at work. Having this constant flow of positive and impactful information will save you time in searching for it.

    • My Success Workbook & Journal:

The My Success Workbook & Journal is designed to correlate with your Weekly Winning Resource. This amazing success tool helps you stay organized, set your SMART goals, and track your progress You can journal and keep up with what you should be working on. Your My Success Workbook & Journal is structured to keep you focused on your goals and dreams. Your first copy valued at $15 is included in your membership and you can purchase additional copies when needed at a discounted rate of $12 each.

    • Community Networking & Learning (CNL):

The purpose of this event is to bring our entire community of members and potential new members together for an opportunity to connect and grow. Our CNL is structured to allow time for building relationships and networking with like-minded people. In addition, there is time to learn from an expert on a particular topic. You can attend in person, virtually (hybrid), or watch the recording at your convenience. This event is held on the third Thursday of each month from 8:30-10am CST.

    • Member Event Rates:

You will receive reduced member rates on all of our I’ve Decided events. The discounts are up to 50% off depending on the event. The events will include but are not limited to, our annual conferences, seminars, workshops, and retreats. We may offer special opportunities for different types of events throughout the year, and you will always receive some type of discount.

*Conferences, seminars, and workshops are free to Accelerate and Launch My Success Members. Additional events will be up to 50% off.

    • Private Facebook Community 

You will be invited to join our private I've Decided Community group on Facebook. This group is for active members only, will provide you ongoing motivation and inspiration, and keep you connected and updated on current opportunities and activities. Members may also share updates, relevant information, and success stories.

Enjoy exclusive discounts not available to the general public provided by our I’ve Decided approved business resources, sponsors, and affiliates.

    • Weekly Group Success Coaching:

Our Virtual Weekly Group Coaching Sessions are every Monday at 1:30pm CST. They begin with a welcome and introduction to the Weekly Winning Word from our Founder, Kim Martin. We will break into groups with a highly experienced and certified I’ve Decided Success Partner and take a deep dive into your Weekly Winning Resource. Be sure to have your Success Workbook & Journal handy and come prepared to learn and contribute.

  • Accelerate My Success Membership Benefits
    • Everything from the Launch My Success Membership 
    • PLUS One-on-One Success Coaching Sessions:

In addition to your Virtual Weekly Group Coaching Sessions, you will have access to meet with a Success Partner of your choice for a 50-minute one-on-one virtual monthly coaching session. You will have the undivided attention of one of our I’ve Decided Certified Coaches who knows what it takes to set and achieve SMART goals, who will teach you the DECIDE Success Methodology, and lead you to the results you desire. Our team has one mission, and that’s your success! The meeting time will be agreed upon by you and your Success Partner, and will be once a month.

  • Employee Success Training Sessions

One of our preferred expert trainers and speakers will lead a specialized workshop on site with a virtual or hybrid option available as well. The topics range from communication, leadership, motivation, public speaking, marketing, success strategies, goal setting, health, and wellness, to a variety of other popular and current topics. These following sessions apply to our Corporate Program Memberships: 2 for the Success Program, 4 for the Launch My Success Program, and 6 for the Accelerate my Success Program.

  • Employee Discount Benefit

Your employees will be provided a special corporate discount code they can use to join our community at the membership level of their choice with the appropriate discount included in your Corporate Program. These following discounts apply to our Corporate Program Memberships: 20 % for the Success Program, 25% for the Launch my Success Program, and 30% for the Accelerate my Success Program.

  • Business Sponsor

In addition to the Business Resource benefits, you will be provided with additional sponsorship opportunities. These include, but are not limited to, your business logo on our Weekly Winning Resource, our website, and any marketing materials we put out in the community. You will also be added as one of the sponsors of our Annual Success Conference and Spring and Fall Success Seminars. Your logo will appear on the majority of our recordings we send out to our contacts and community members.

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