What will you highlight from 2022?
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and welcome to the last edition of your 2022 Weekly Winning Resource all about the word highlight. It’s time to highlight what you did well this year! As we bring 2022 to a close, you may find yourself thinking of all the things you should have done but didn’t do. As the saying goes, “I am my own worst critic!” While we are sure you still have goals to achieve and things you didn’t complete as you had planned, we are also sure there are many things you did well, and things that you accomplished. At least for this week, think about only those things. In this last week of the year, don’t let regret creep in and discourage you. Instead, highlight the steps you made in the right direction and celebrate your success.
Your Weekly Winning Word:
to emphasize or make prominent; center attention on.
Your Weekly Winning Article:
Now is the time to highlight the positive moments and small victories from 2022 and celebrate your success. In our Weekly Winning Article this week, we share six questions you can ask yourself to help you highlight all the things you did well this year. Check it out here:
Your Weekly Winning Challenge:
Your challenge this week is to read the article, watch your OnDemand coaching video, and utilize your Success Workbook & Journal to answer the 6 questions to highlight the things you did well this year. Share some of your small victories with us on our I’ve Decided Community private Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IveDecided.
Your Weekly Winning Quote:
“Life is too short to focus on the negative. Highlight only the positive and your life will brighten significantly.” ~Kim Martin
URGENT REQUEST: (Notice the highlight) ?
Have you registered for the 9th Annual I’ve Decided 2023 Kick-Off Conference, “Fulfilled”? Please take 2 minutes and do that now. Simply go to www.ivedecided.org and then click the event tab to sign up. Be sure you’re logged in as a member so the appropriate discount will apply.
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