Talk: Your Excuse Is Invalid - How to not let your excuses stand in the way of pursuing your dreams and the life you want.

With life comes struggles and obstacles to overcome. With a positive attitude and how you face daily challenges you can achieve the life that is happy, healthy and active that you dreamt of,  so Live the Life that you Dreamed and remember “Your Excuse is Invalid”.

About the Speaker: Ashley Green was an avid student and athlete when her life changed at the age of 17. After many ankle surgeries it was determined that a below the knee amputation was the best option to give Ashley the best quality of life.  Ashley became a below knee amputee on March 9th  Despite 13 leg surgeries (including several revisions since the amputation) she has thrived as a Bradley student, an A2 USA Paralympic Sitting Volleyball Athlete, Your Excuse is Invalid Motivational Speaking Founder, Your Excuse is Invalid NFP Founder, Adaptive Athlete, and proud differently abled individual.  Ashley is a strong believer of the power of the mind and how merely your circumstances don’t determine if you live a happy, healthy, life that you love.