What’s the secret of Passion?

Purpose is the secret of passion. Find what you’re passionate about and you will be heading in the direction of your purpose. At I’ve Decided we are passionate about helping you achieve your goals and dreams whatever they may be, but ultimately we want you to fulfill your God-given purpose. We believe along the way, God gives you clues, or hints if you will, regarding your purpose. He places a burning desire and excitement (passion) in your heart that sets your soul on fire when you’re walking on your purpose path. When you’re not, there’s a feeling of emptiness and sadness that let’s you know this is not what you should be doing. Most likely you have sensed both of these emotions at some point in your life. Obviously, at I’ve Decided, we want you to be walking on your purpose path with your soul on fire! So, this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource is all about passion. To start, we have two questions for you today. First, “What are you passionate about?” Secondly, “Are you following that passion?” If you are, that’s awesome! Maybe it’s time to take it to the next level? If you’re not, what do you need to do to start? There is no better time to start following your passion that will lead you to your purpose than now. In fact, the time is now! Let’s go!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


A very powerful feeling; An extreme interest in or wish for doing something.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Why is it so hard to follow your passion and fulfill your purpose in life? Albeit there is more than one possible answer to this question, the one we believe is a huge culprit in causing you to get stuck in a rut on your purpose path is that you believe everything you think. Say what? Yep, you assume that all your assumptions are correct. Check out this article to see what we mean.   Click Here To Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

After reading the article, make a list of specific assumptions you can challenge right now that may be extinguishing your fire fueling your passion and purpose.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

Follow your passion, it will lead to your purpose. ~Oprah Winfrey 

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Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success!  Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings

What is stopping you from achieving what you are passionate about? Listen in to Brian Wood as he talks about fear being a detriment to everything. If you heard Brian at the February 1st Conference this will be a great refresher for you!


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