What’s invisible, but can be seen and felt?

It’s been said that culture eats strategy for lunch. Maybe it’s true, and especially from a corporate perspective. But, let’s think about culture from a personal perspective. What is your personal culture? Or, you may think of it as your brand. Your culture is your brand! Usually, when we think of culture and brands we think about companies, organizations, or countries. We rarely think about the impact of our own personal culture. What persona, image, or values are you putting out into the world? No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, someone is being influenced by your personal culture. It could be your spouse or partner, children, other relatives, friends, neighbors, or co-workers, but those who are around you are being impacted by the personal culture and aura you’re radiating. At I’ve Decided our purpose is to help you achieve your goals and dreams, and we are confident that your personal culture or your brand is a key factor in your success. That’s why this week your Weekly Winning Resource is all about the word culture, and not simply your nationality, or where you come from, but you. You as a person. Who are you, what are you bringing to the table, what impact are you making? Is your personal culture making a positive difference and making the mark you want to leave on this world?

Your Weekly Winning Word:


The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Does the personal culture you exude adequately represent the values and standards you want them to and are you making the impact you desire to make while you are here on earth? When is the last time you have taken a close look at the values you are living in accordance with? Here is an article with some great ideas to help guide you. Check it out.  Click Here To Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Take time this week to take a close look at the values you are living in accordance with. To help you, answer the 10 questions in this week’s Weekly Winning Article.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. ~Peter Drucker

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Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success!  Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings

Hello Amazing I’ve Decided Community! Saturday the 26th was the day we should all be together for the 2nd Part of our 3 Part Motivational & Leadership Conference 2020 Series! Due to shelter in place, we are all at home today instead. (Except for some of our amazing and awesome front line workers, and you may be out there…Thank you!!) As I have been saying since this situation begin, “We will NEVER stop helping you achieve your goals and dreams…NO MATTER WHAT! From wherever we are, with what we have, and however we can. We will continue to serve you and your dreams! So, we couldn’t let this weekend go by without some sort of motivation, inspiration, laughter, and hope for you. I invited a couple of our past speakers that some of you may remember to join me for an hour webinar. Derrick Tennant was our very first conference speaker 6 years ago, and Randy Fox, who you may remember his amazing energy! Derrick is so funny, and with Randy’s motivation I knew it would be a light-hearted amazing time and it did not disappoint. Some of you watched it live on Facebook, but some of you may have missed it. We titled it, Love & Humor…”The Unconference!” Grab your coffee, juice, or water, and watch for some good ole fun and inspiration! Here is the link to watch or listen.


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