What were you going to do?

Hello and happy August. We really don’t like being the bearer of bad news, but 2021 is officially more than half over. However, there is good news too…You have 5 months left to accomplish what you set out to do! As you know, our 2021 theme is, “The Time is Now!” There could not be a truer statement, “The time is definitely NOW to reclaim what you started!” How appropriate that this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource is all about the word reclaim. So, what were your goals and dreams for this year? Where did you think you would be by this time? You may be right on target, and if so, that’s awesome!! If you’re like most of us though, your goals may have fallen by the wayside and you’re not quite where you hoped to be by now. Here’s what you need to know, that’s totally okay! Here’s what you also need to know, it’s time to reclaim what you started! It’s not too late, you still have time to make it happen. At I’ve Decided, our purpose is to help you achieve your goals and dreams and our mission is your success! We don’t want you to get to the end of the year not achieving whatever it is you decided to do. Reclaim what you wanted to achieve right now!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


To get back, recover, or reinstate; Restore to original state.  

Your Weekly Winning Article:

The moment you’re ready to give up is usually the moment right before success happens. It’s not time to give up, it’s time to reclaim what you know deep in your soul you can do. Are you ready to reclaim what you started and achieve your goal for this year? Check out our Weekly Winning Article, “6-Steps to Reclaim what You Started” here:  Click Here to Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Get clear on what you want the remainder of the year to look like. It starts today, August 1, 2021 – December 31st, 2021. Where do you want to be and what is the most important thing for you to accomplish? Write it down in your Success Workbook & Journal and set a SMART goal. Talk it over with your I’ve Decided Coach or if you don’t have a coach yet, email Kim to schedule a time to meet with her for some motivation. Kim@ivedecided.org 

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

Reclaim what you started.

Having weekly accountability will help you finish the year strong! A coach could be just what you need! Consider our Launch My Success Membership. Included in this membership, is weekly group coaching with one of our awesome Success Partners. You can learn more about them here: Learn More – Success Partners Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

WE NEED YOUR HELP…Please help us spread the word about our awesome community. You can help us by following our I’ve Decided Social Media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and please be sure you like, comment, and share our posts. The more people we can reach, the more people we can help achieve their goals and dreams. Thank you!

Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here and it will direct you to our website to watch!  Past Recordings – Members Only


Our mission is your success!

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