How are you making time for this?
We are excited to bring you this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word sharpen. To sharpen means to improve. How are you improving your skills, tools, and resources? What you do on a regular basis is either sharpening you and making you stronger or dulling you and weakening your abilities. Your daily habits can become so ritual that you don’t even recognize them as bad or good, you just do them without even thinking. This is a serious issue that plagues our society because habits determine outcome. There are personal habits that will dull your skills and those that will sharpen your skills. Being intentional about what you choose to do will help you be your best self and increase your odds of achieving your goals and dreams. Take time to improve yourself!
Your Weekly Winning Word:
To make sharp or sharper; to hone or improve something.
Your Weekly Winning Article:
Are your habits dulling you or making you more sharp? Great habits sharpen our thoughts and make us great while poor habits dull us and weaken our abilities. In our Weekly Winning Article, we discuss 5 habits to stop that are dulling your abilities and what to start doing instead to sharpen your skills. Check it out here:
Your Weekly Winning Challenge:
Everyone has something to improve and there is always an opportunity to learn more and be better. You have a great opportunity this week to do just that at our Virtual Success Seminar this Thursday, September 22nd 1-4PM CST. Our speaker and facilitator is Author, Speaker, and Coach, Sam Miller. Sam will guide you forward from the impossibilities of your life into knowing that who you want to be is possible. Drawing from his own experience with cerebral palsy, Sam will share 10 lessons on thriving with a disability. Your challenge this week is to sign up and attend this event to sharpen your skills, your tools, and your resources. When you do, you will earn a FREE copy of Sam’s book, I’MPOSSIBLE. You can meet Sam and pick up your autographed book this Tuesday, September 20th 4-6pm at our I’ve Decided Community Room behind Curves located at 3709 N Sterling Ave Peoria 61615. The parking and the entrance are in the back of the building. If you are a member out of the area of Peoria, we will mail you an autographed copy. Sharpen your skills now and sign up to attend here: Be sure to sign in as a member first before completing registration so that the appropriate discount will apply.
Your Weekly Winning Quote:
“Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first hour sharpening the axe.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Coaching is a great way to sharpen your skills.
Spending time with a Success Partner each week to take a deep dive into your Weekly Winning Resource and discussing how it applies to your goals and dreams is not only motivating, it gives you some accountability and support. Join in for a complimentary group coaching session any Monday at 1:30pm CST with Kim. Come and see for yourself the difference it could make. The Zoom link to attend is: and the passcode is: 743243
Learn more about our coaching options at:
Learn More – I’ve Decided Coaching Options
Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here: Past Recordings – Members Only and it will direct you to our website to watch!
Our mission is your success!
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