One of the Greatest Discoveries!

Hello and happy Sunday afternoon amazing I’ve Decided Community! This week your Weekly Winning Resource is all about the word, valiant! It really is amazing how our weekly winning words (which have been decided well over a year ago) are aligning perfectly to the times we are in now. Have you noticed this? It’s like little messages from above, all-knowing what the future was to bring! Just the thought is assuring, and more importantly, it gives us hope that we will get through these difficult times. Difficult times call us to tap into our inner strength, to be brave and bold, to be valiant! At I’ve Decided, we want to encourage you not to just “get through” this year, but to dig in this last quarter of the year, do something positive for yourself, and come out better! That is what being valiant is all about. Like our Henry Ford quote, one of your greatest discoveries will be to find out what you can do that you thought you couldn’t. What is it that you know you need to do? Don’t wait for the perfect time, and don’t think that 2021 will be a better year to do it. There will always be good excuses to keep you from going for your dreams, but don’t let them stop you! Your time is now. Be bold, be brave, be valiant!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


Very brave and determined especially in a difficult situation.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

There’s a secret to being brave when you’re feeling scared and uncertain, and this Russian theater master practiced it. We stumbled across this great article written by Jeff Haden that shares what the key to being brave is! Check it out:  Click Here To Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Just like courage (our weekly winning word from last week), valiant is a mental muscle. If you want to be more valiant, you must practice the actions of being brave and bold to build your valiant muscle. We are going into the last quarter of 2020, what is one thing positive you can do for yourself to move you in the direction of your goals and dreams? It’s time to switch the focus from the things you can’t control, to what you can control. There are things happening in our world right now, that are out of our control, but your goals, and your dreams, are still yours to go after. What can you do to be more valiant?

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

Take hold of your life and order yourself to be valiant. ~Boyd K Packer

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Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success!  Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings

You don’t want to miss this episode of The Source. Your host Kurt P. White provides some insight on last weeks weekly winning word COURAGE. Kurt is excited to have on the show Sabra Maurice. Sabra will undoubtedly share how her current I’ve Decided Success Group, Smash Your Stress, incorporates courage with success.

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