Maybe it’s just a course correction?

While doing some research for this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource, we came across an awesome definition of our weekly winning word, redirect. Redirect; A course direction to your destiny! Isn’t that an amazing thought? It’s easy to get discouraged when you get rejected, knocked down, or have a door close that you had hoped was the way.  But, it’s important to remember, when one door closes another door will open. What you soon find out is, the new door is a better way! Given our current pandemic, you may find yourself being redirected. This can cause you to feel defeated, frustrated, and even wanting to give up. At I’ve Decided, our mission is your success! We want you to be encouraged and realize that some of your greatest moments are still ahead of you. Being redirected isn’t a bad thing. Remember, it may just be a course direction to your destiny!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


To change the course or direction of.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

The nature of a true successful person is in the way they respond to a negative situation. They don’t try to deny the impact of it, but they look for the lessons, pull themselves up by the bootstraps, and figure out a way to keep going. Here are 5 great lessons from being redirected  Click Here To Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Spend some time this week writing down some valuable lessons that you have learned over the last couple of months.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better. ~Dr Steve Maraboli

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Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success!  Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings

Is it time for you to reset and refresh? Join Kim Martin and Guest Jennifer Haney of Gallup Clifton Strengths Assessment Coach, as they discuss ways you an recharge and restart.

Our mission is your success!

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