Leave this wherever you go!

Hello and happy New Year! We are excited to bring you the first edition in 2021 of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word cheer. Are you a naturally cheerful person? If not, there’s good news. Cheerfulness can be learned and improved upon just like many other mental disciplines. We love our weekly winning quote by one of our awesome members, Breiana Wells, “Leave sparkle and cheer wherever you go!” Being of good cheer and spreading positivity has more of an impact than you may think. It not only benefits those who you come in contact with, but science now proves it greatly benefits your own personal health and wellbeing. Being of good cheer isn’t about being fake or pretending like everything is OK when it’s not. Rather, it’s choosing to practice discipline and not allowing negative emotion to take over your thoughts or your conversations. It’s recognizing the reality of what’s taking place, but making a discerned decision to focus on the positive as to have a better outcome. Being of good cheer takes love, hope, and faith. You love yourself and others enough to be a light in a dark world, you have hope that no matter how things seem now, the best is yet to come, and you have faith that there is a God who will never leave you or forsake you. At I’ve Decided, our mission is your success, and we know that being a person of good cheer is life changing for you and those you serve. It creates an environment that is more positive, optimistic, and intentional. In return, you will be more apt to achieve the goals you desire, attract more people, be healthier, and have an overall better life experience.

Your Weekly Winning Word:


To express approval, give comfort to, bring joy or encouragement.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

I’ve Decided to be of good cheer. If this is the year you want to be a more positive, cheerful, and hopeful person, you can! It’s hard to change our natural tendencies, but with focus, intention, and determination, it’s possible. Research shows, when you understand the impact of your choices, it can be helpful in creating lasting change. Our article this week talks about the 3 ways being of good cheer will have a positive impact on your life.  Click Here To Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

We have 2 great virtual opportunities this week for you to show up and leave sparkle and cheer. You can attend both or choose one. Tuesday, Jan 5th 4:30-5:15PM is the first of our Monthly Mastermind Session that will be on the first Tuesday of every month. The topic this month is “Focus” What’s the most important thing for you to focus on in 2021? Thursday, Jan 7th is our Community Networking & Learning (CNL) 8:30-10AM and using our Success Workbook & Planner as a guide, we will set our goals for the month of January.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Leave sparkle and cheer wherever you go!” ~Breiana Wells

We are excited to introduce you to our Success Partners, Cindy Byrd, Kurt P. White, Troy Alexander, Sabra Maurice, Jenny Carlson, and Kim Martin. Please see their bios and pics here: https://ivedecided.org/success-partner/ Do you feel having a coach could help you stay on track and be more productive in the New Year? Let us know if you would like to learn more about weekly group coaching with a Success Partner.

WE NEED YOUR HELP…Please help us spread the word about our awesome community. You can help us by following our I’ve Decided Social Media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and please be sure you like, comment, and share our posts. The more people we can reach, the more people we can help achieve their goals and dreams. Thank you!

Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success!  Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings

Kurt and Kim’s Weekly Confabulation – Plan

Listen in live on Facebook each Monday at 2:30pm CST. https://www.facebook.com/ivedecidedpeoria


Our mission is your success!

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