Your guard and support!

Welcome to this edition of your weekly winning resource all about the word fortitude. Fortitude is all about your mental and emotional strength. The key to having fortitude is preparation. You have to work on your mental strength and emotional strength when times aren’t so bad so that when the time comes, and you need to be tough and dig in, you are capable of doing it. Living in your comfort zone can feel good and easy, but if you never push yourself outside of it, or do hard things, when life gets hard (and it will), you won’t be ready for it. You will be mentally weak. At I’ve Decided, INC our mission is your success and we know that you must have fortitude if you are going to achieve the goals and dreams that you desire.   

Your Weekly Winning Word:


Mental and emotional strength that allows someone to face adversity, pain, temptation, and difficulty with courage.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Preparation is key to having fortitude when you need it, and you can be up for the challenge if you do the work ahead of time. In our article this week, we share 6 steps you can follow to help you develop fortitude so that you can be ready for any challenge you may face. Check it out here:  Click Here

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

We have one amazing event this week that you don’t want to miss. Your challenge this week is to attend our virtual monthly workshop, “Finding Fortitude in Challenging Times” Our expert panel will share 4 Principles that will help you get through burnout, low motivation, or any adversity you may be experiencing. It’s free to attend, but you will need to sign up here to get the Zoom information : Click Here to Save Your Seat!

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Patience and fortitude conquer all things.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lock arms with a coach, and finish the year strong! The cost for weekly group coaching with one of our Success Partner’s is about the same as one daily venti latte from Starbucks. Are your dreams worth that? We think so! If you haven’t upgraded yet, consider our Launch My Success Membership. Included in this membership, is weekly group coaching with one of our awesome Success Partners. You can learn more about them here: Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

WE NEED YOUR HELP…Please help us spread the word about our awesome community. You can help us by following our I’ve Decided Social Media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and please be sure you like, comment, and share our posts. The more people we can reach, the more people we can help achieve their goals and dreams. Thank you!

Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here: Past Recordings – Members Only and it will direct you to our website to watch!  

I’ve Decided Media – The Journey

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Our mission is your success!

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