Good Sunday evening to you! This edition of your Weekly Winning Resource is all about the word discern. If there has ever been a time in our lives we need to use good discernment, it is now. The year 2020 has brought many things for us to discern, to say the least. By definition, to discern means to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear, or in its simplest form, the ability to decide between truth and error. Joe Paprocki says, “discernment is an interior search that seeks to align our will with that of God so that we know what He is calling us to. At I’ve Decided, we believe you were born with a unique purpose to achieve here on earth, and we believe to discern what that is, starts with you being the best version of yourself that you can be. Being the best version of you, allows you to get clear of your unique gifts and talents. It allows you to see what you are capable of and it opens your heart to strive for excellence. Discernment is on-going. You must constantly evaluate the decisions you have made. If the outcomes – your words, actions, behaviors, results, are good, it’s an indication you’re discernment was good. If the outcomes are poor, then you may need to alter your decision. The most important thing you can do for discernment is to pray. There is a God of the universe who loves you, created you, and desires for you to accomplish what you were born for. He will help you if you ask.
Your Weekly Winning Word:
To see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear.
Your Weekly Winning Article:
Discerning what you should do can be difficult, but if you use discernment it can help. It sounds so easy, but most of the choices we make in life require deep thought, prayer, and consideration. How often do you find yourself taking action, and then deciding if it was a good idea? It’s OK, being a person of action isn’t a bad thing, it’s just you likely need to practice a little more discernment. Using these four guidelines in this week’s Winning Article, “I’ve Decided to Discern – 4 Guidelines to Apply” can help make the daunting task of discernment a little easier. Check it out here: Click Here To Read
Your Weekly Winning Challenge:
It’s time to discern what you’re missing that’s holding you back from getting what you want. What do you want? Do you want to lose weight, improve your finances, open your own business, stop procrastinating, or just be a better version of yourself? It’s hard to stay encouraged and to keep going when you’re exhausted and feel like giving up. Yes, success is hard, but it’s possible. You can accomplish what you desire if you have all the pieces of the puzzle you need for success. As an I’ve Decided Member, you have everything you need for success, and we want to make sure you’re clear on what they are. Our Founder, Kim Martin will be teaching a virtual workshop this Thursday, December 17th at Noon. “The 10 Pieces of the Puzzle for Success.” Your challenge this week is to participate in this event and invite a friend to join you. It is absolutely free, you just need to sign up here:
Your Weekly Winning Quote:
“Discernment is the ability to see things for what they are, not for what you want them to be.” ~Unknown
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Included in your I’ve Decided Membership are our Success Groups. We are excited to bring these resources to you in order to help you achieve your goals and dreams. We have designed these monthly success groups to help you make progress with your goals and dreams and provide you the opportunity to network with other people who are interested in a similar goal to you, advice and information from an expert coach, and the support you need for success! Click Here To Watch Any Of Our Past Success Groups Recordings
Today on Our Community: Host Andy Thornton, CEO of Greater Peoria Family YMCA is joined by Mary Ardapple Dierker, an Integrative Wellness Strategist and Health Coach, and Ryan Hinnen, Senior Director of Mission Advancement as they discuss the importance of Reflection as we work to build a better us.
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