Get Past Any Excuse to Change

Welcome to this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word capacity. As we grow we expand our capacity, and with expanded capacity comes increased output. Basically, the more wisdom you can tap into, the better ability you will have to make positive changes and decisions that will have a great effect on your success. There is no limit to what you can learn, it’s just a matter of how much capacity you have to receive and contain it. Increasing your capacity should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. Michael J. Gelb says, ” Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.” At I’ve Decided, we totally agree with this idea. We believe in your potential and we know that you are capable of achieving whatever goal and dream you have. You have the power to decide to grow and expand your mindset. There is no limit, only unlimited possibilities!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


The maximum ability to receive or contain.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

There is always more to learn, but it takes work to increase your capacity to continue to receive and contain new information. So, how do we expand our capacity to handle more knowledge? Check out this week’s article to learn “4 Ways to Expand Your Capacity for Growth.” 

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

As you read through the Weekly Winning Article, take time to consider which area you could take action on to expand your capacity. Have you challenged yourself lately, or made room by cleaning out some old? Have you ever considered working with a coach or seeking advice? Maybe you have been working constantly and just need to take some time to rest? Remember, it takes effort to expand your ability to receive and contain more information, so make a plan to be intentional in one or more areas where you need to improve. 

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started.” ~Norman Cousins

If you have a goal you desire to achieve, there is something you must change to accomplish it.

A coach can help you improve your capacity for change. Weekly group coaching or one-on-one coaching with one of our I’ve Decided Certified Success Partners could make a huge difference for you. If you haven’t already, consider upgrading your membership to a Launch My Success Membership that includes coaching. You can opt for weekly group coaching or one on one coaching, whichever makes the most sense for you. With our nothing to lose money back guarantee, you have NOTHING TO LOSE and only SUCCESS TO GAIN. If you become a Launch My Success Member and decide after the first month, you aren’t glad you made the switch, we will refund your money no questions asked. Go to your membership website at and be sure to log in as a member. You can select your membership and upgrade today!

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CNL – Instant Calm – Daryl Carlson

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