The first great gift!

It’s 3 weeks until Christmas and if you haven’t already, soon you will be shopping for all the gifts you want to buy for your special people. Gift giving is one of the magical Christmas blessings we get to participate in, or at least it should be. However, with all the hustle and bustle, it can become a stressful, costly, and not a very meaningful experience. We are excited to bring you this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word bestow. Bestow is simply an eloquent way of saying give. It comes from the Middle English stowen, which means to place something really valuable or honoring in the hands of another. It’s a beautiful word for this time of year. When you think of bestowing a gift, it adds a nicer touch to the idea of gift giving and place a higher value on it. What type of meaningful gifts will you bestow on your special people this Christmas season?

Your Weekly Winning Word:


To present as a gift; give.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

What if this Christmas you decide to bestow more purposeful gifts instead of the traditional quick and easy gift cards? It’s a great gesture, but what makes a gift more meaningful? In our Weekly Winning Article, we share 4 ideas to bestow more meaningful gifts that will help you. Check it out! Click Here to Read the Article

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Make your Christmas shopping list and be sure to have well thought out and purposeful gifts for the special people you will be buying for. Use the Weekly Winning Article to help you come up with ideas that make sense for you and the people you care about.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“The more we bestow, the richer we become.” ~Unknown

Consider the idea of giving someone you love a coach. That is definitely a thoughtful gift you can bestow on your special person. For only $189 you can give them the gift of our Motivational and Leadership Conference January 28th and 29th. If you sign them up now, they will get 4 complementary group coaching sessions with one of our certified Success Partners. You can bestow a gift of coaching for yourself as well by upgrading to a Launch My Success Member if you haven’t already. 

Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

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