Welcome to this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word apply. It is not enough to understand what you need to do, and it is not enough to want to do it. Knowledge and willingness can only make a difference in your success when you put them both to good use and apply everything you need to achieve the goals you desire. Success requires many factors being applied on a constant basis. Within our I’ve Decided community, we call them the 10 pieces of the puzzle for success. The very reason our organization was created is to provide you with everything you need. You simply have to apply what you have access to. Apply yourself everyday and you will move a little closer towards the life you desire one day at a time.
Your Weekly Winning Word:
To put to use, especially for a particular purpose.
Your Weekly Winning Article:
There is no getting around the fact that achieving success in any goal is hard. However, when you have access to all the pieces of the puzzle, and you apply yourself to the best of your ability, you can achieve the goals you desire. Check our our Weekly Winning Article to learn 5 things you can do to apply what you know and have access to for success.
Your Weekly Winning Challenge:
It’s time to give yourself a performance review. Do an honest self-check. How are you coming along with the things you are trying to accomplish? Share your thoughts and discuss with your coach. Don’t have a coach? We would love to provide you a complimentary session to help you with your review and provide some feedback for you. If you’re interested, please email
kim@ivedecided.org to get a time scheduled.
Your Weekly Winning Quote:
“Apply yourself everyday to just becoming a little better.” ~John Wooden
Why should you work with a coach?
The answer is simple, a coach will push you to apply yourself beyond what you can do on your own. If you haven’t already, consider upgrading your membership to a Launch My Success Membership that includes coaching. You can opt for weekly group coaching or one on one coaching, whichever makes the most sense for you. With our nothing to lose money back guarantee, you have NOTHING TO LOSE and only SUCCESS TO GAIN. If you become a Launch My Success Member and decide after the first month, you aren’t glad you made the switch, we will refund your money no questions asked. Go to your membership website at www.ivedecided.org and be sure to log in as a member. You can select your membership and upgrade today!
Learn more at:
Learn More – I’ve Decided Coaching Options

Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here: Past Recordings – Members Only and it will direct you to our website to watch!
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