Starting Line for Finances
Learn from 3 of the best in their industry on how to get control of your finances. Do you need help in creating a budget and managing your debt or maybe you would like to learn more about your credit score, how it impacts your finances, or buying a home. If you haven’t started saving for your future, college, or have the proper life insurance there is no better time than now!
Speakers: Stacy Borho Stacey Reed and Vickie Streitmatter
Stacy Borho has been in the mortgage industry for more than 18 years. Stacy worked as a Realtor before being recruited into the mortgage industry. This experience has provided her with extensive knowledge of mortgage products and programs that are available, as well as the hands-on experience necessary to make your loan experience as smooth and stress free as possible. Stacy enjoys educating her customers on all the options available to them. Whether you are buying your first or your last, or refinancing your existing home, Stacy Borho can help you find the mortgage that is right for you.
A Peoria native, She is happy to give back to her community through volunteer work. In 2010, she was recognized by Peoria Magazines as a 40 under 40 Business Leader and in 2013 was one of the 25 Women In Leadership. Stacy is currently a member of the Peoria North BNI Chapter, a Rotarian, Board Member for Hult Center for Healthy Living, and a Wish Granter for Make A Wish Illinois.
Vickie Streitmatter
Vickie Streitmatter knows how it feels to have a large amount of debt and the stress that comes with that burden. Ten years ago, Vickie and her husband found themselves spending more than they were making, they wanted out of the debt and out of the mess they were in. So, they developed a plan, lived on a budget, sacrificed, paid off all their debt and have continued to live debt free for 8 years now. Vickie uses the knowledge gained on that journey to guide others to pay attention, live on a budget, pay off debt, and to enjoy the freedom living with a plan and being debt free provides.
Stacey Reed
Stacey Reed is married and a mother of 5, and nana to 2 little granddaughters. Stacey started Integrity Plus Financial Solutions 16 years ago, with the desire to help people enjoy retirement with a financial peace. Her passion for numbers and goal setting has her business flourishing. Stacey is also the Director of the UnityPoint Health Wellmobile, a marketing campaign for her own business, and serving the community in health and wellness. She has found these two have collaborated quite well as financial health such a key role to our health and wellness. She serves as the treasurer at Glasford Baptist Church, she also runs an Alpha program at that same church, she is a member of I’ve Decided, a member