Do you enjoy riding, but haven't ever registered for an official supported ride? Maybe you haven't ridden since you were a child. Regardless,this is the perfect opportunity to test your ability with our fully supported training program and ride. Learn the trails of Peoria, IL and take an exciting trip across the Bob Michael Bridge. Ride from Donovan Park to Morton and back. Our experienced cycling coaches will be with you to ensure success!

Our biking clinics are designed to teach you all the mechanics of safety and maintenance of your bike. Led by experience riders and the Peoria Wheelmen. Learn what you need to know!

Train and Ride 40 Miles in 2017...Team or Individual!

                           No Cycling Experience Required*

Individual Registration: $149 Team of 5 or More: $109 (savings of $40) Package includes:

  • 2 Bike Clinics
  • 10 week outdoor training program
  • 20,30, or 40 mile fully supported ride on Rock Island Trail
  • Tech Shirts can be purchased for an additional $20

Haven't got the gear? Get the best package deals at Little Ades Bicycles including a helmet, water bottle, & a custom sized bike

Bike Clinics- May 7th and May 21st from 1:30-4PM at ICC Cougar Plex, East Peoria, IL  led by cycling experts Sarah Gray, Fai Mok, and Heather Fitzanko.

Training led by Cycling Expert Heather Fitzanko begins on Tuesday May 23rd and Wed May 24th through Wed July 26th starting at the trail in the back of Junction City.

20,30, or 40 Mile Fully Supported Ride will be on Saturday, July 29th 7:00AM at Donovan Park to Morton on the Rock Island trail-GreenwayTrail.

Meet our Cycling Coach Heather Fitzanko
Meet our Cycling Coach Heather Fitzanko
NEVER would have attempted this before I've Decided to Ride - riding in the Rocky Mountains!

"NEVER would have attempted this before I've Decided to Ride - riding in the Rocky Mountains!"

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