Happy Healthy Relationships
Talk: Happy Healthy Relationships
We have a deep longing for love, but far too often our search for love leaves us confused and hurt. In this talk we’ll look at what the culture promotes as ‘love’ and compare it to love that lasts.
About the Speaker: Stephen Tony is a graduate of Bradley University. While there he was a member of the Bradley Speech team, which has over 40 National titles. After graduating Stephen gave talks to students while working as a Financial Advisor at Northwestern Mutual. He ultimately left his career in finance to focus on motivating others through his talks; primarily on topics of faith, personal development, and professional success. Stephen brings his skills as a speaker
combined with his experience as an advisor working with clients from diverse backgrounds.
“Sometimes you feel tired, you feel weak. And when you feel weak you feel like you want to just give up. But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength. And just pull that stuff out of you and get that motivation to not give up.” -Eminem