5 things you can do to keep going when you feel like giving up.
When times get tough, even still, stand!
You would be hard pressed to find anyone who stuck it out even in the hard times and finished strong that would say, “I’m so mad I didn’t give up, man I should have just thrown in the towel.” No, of course not! If you have ever finished strong and completed a goal no matter how hard, then you know it is the best feeling in the world, and it is always worth it in the end. Success is hard anytime, and faced with adversity, challenges, pandemics, ETC… It is even harder! However, with the right mindset, focus, and attitude, you can achieve the things you want the most. You can STAND when times get tough.
Using the acrostic S-T-A-N-D, here are 5 things you can do to keep going when you feel like giving up!
When is the last time you took an inventory of your surroundings? Not just the landscape but the environment that you surround yourself with. Who are you spending the most time with? What are you watching on T.V? What do you read? What are you listening to? Are the people you hang out with a positive influence, and do they inspire you to be better? Do the things you watch or listen to teach you new things and motivate you to do more? Just like food fuels your body and the quality matters, the same is true for what you feed your mind. Your thoughts become your behaviors and your behaviors determine the result you get. To stand when things get tough, you must surround yourself with all things good.
You are right where you’re supposed to be at this moment in time. Everything in your life has led to where you are. It is so important to trust the process and trust that you will get through the challenges that life brings. The saying, “This too shall pass”, is true. Think about times in the past that were difficult, and you got through them. You will get through this too. Most of the time when we look back, we can say, “It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was.” You are stronger than you think. Trust God and trust yourself.
Did you know you can’t be grateful and sad at the same time? No matter what you are going through, you can find something to appreciate, something to be thankful for. When you feel yourself becoming sad, agitated, or feeling less than, it’s time to refocus. Make a list of everything you can think of in your life that you are grateful for. You can look at that list when you’re feeling overwhelmed and remember the wonderful blessings and gifts you have. To stand in adversity requires a grateful heart that appreciates every breath of life. Even in the difficulties, there is beauty if you look for it.
God has given every one of us unique gifts and talents. The question is, how are your nurturing them? During a challenging season, it is difficult to focus on the positive and we can be drawn to being more pessimistic. The last thing we may think of is taking time to nurture our abilities and spending the time developing them. However, by focusing on the things we can change, it will take your mind from the current situation and put it on something more meaningful and positive.
Last but not least, don’t forget to dream. It’s difficult to be creative under stress, but when we allow our mind to dream about possibilities and envision a better day and time, it makes us feel so much better. It could be helpful to write down all the goals and things you want to accomplish in your life, no matter how big or small. Imagine what it will feel like when you see your dreams come to fruition. Get a clear picture in your mind of everything that will be different about your life when you achieve the success you desire. Close your eyes, feel it, and see it! Stay in control of your thoughts and you will be able to stand even when you feel like giving up.
Never, never, never, never, never, and we mean never, give up! When you’ve done all you can, even still, stand! (Ephesians 6:13)
Run your race and finish strong!
Written by: Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided, INC