4 EPIC Benefits of Your Success!
When you successfully achieve your goals something EPIC happens. You discover that your purpose wasn’t about you at all, but about the impact you will have on others. There are so many benefits of you achieving your goals and dreams, but we’ve compiled a short list of four of them to help you see the impact you can make when you decide to follow your dreams and fulfill your purpose.
4 EPIC Benefits of Your Success:
- Encourages People Who Are Watching You – Have you ever heard the phrase, “everyone is a leader, someone is always watching? This is so true! Believe it, someone is always watching you. When you consider this, achieving your goals and dreams instantly becomes important, or at least it should. You have the amazing opportunity to impact the lives of other human beings for the better. When you successfully achieve your goals and dreams, it inspires and encourages those people around you, and gives them permission to go for what they desire as well. If you can do it, they can do it too!
- Peace in Your Heart – Wrong choices rob you of your joy. You have goals that you desire to achieve, but the choices you’re making daily don’t align with them. To give you an example, imagine you have a large amount of debt, and it is causing you major amounts of stress. Obviously, you want to reduce and even get rid of your debt. A good goal would be to create a budget and live by it. You start everyday off on the right foot, but by mid-day, you’re blowing the budget. Maybe you’ve spent money on eating out you didn’t plan or bought a fundraiser item from a co-worker whose kid plays ball. By the end of the day, you’re beyond disappointed with yourself and feel like a failure. Your actions didn’t align with your goals, and this robs you of your inner peace and joy. It’s a constant battle we all have. When you set a goal, and you’re successful, it allows your mind to rest and be at peace. You know you’re doing what you’re suppose to do. Peace is an epic feeling!
- Impacts Those You Encounter – When you successfully achieve your goals and dreams, it impacts everyone around you. Your attitude is positive because you are happy with yourself, and people want to be around you. Your success motivates others to believe they can be successful too, and they can look up to you. Being successful can have a positive effect on everyone you encounter. When you accomplish what you were born to do, you make your mark while here on earth. There is something you were born to do that no one else can do but you. Achieving success is the biggest and best impact you can make.
- Contributes to the Success of Others – The most important benefit of you successfully achieving your goals and dreams, is the contribution you make to the success of others. Success starts with you, but it’s not about you. What God has designed for you to do is always about others. How successful you are, determines how much you contribute. So, dream big and make a huge contribution to mankind.
There is nothing more important than for you to achieve your God given purpose. The dreams in your heart, the goals you set, are all insights to your greater purpose and for tapping in to all that God has planned for you. Don’t underestimate how powerful your success is and the EPIC benefits it provides. If you haven’t already, decide today to stick the stake in the ground and claim your dreams. Being successful is EPIC!
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