My favorite self help book Travelers Gift

Hi. Kim here. My marketing guy asked me what my favorite self-help, motivational book was. The answer came to me immediately, with no hesitation: “The Traveler’s Gift — 7 Decisions That Determine Personal Success” by Andy Andrews.

**** What is YOUR favorite self-help, positive thinking, inspirational, motivational, life coaching book? (Aside from The Bible).**** post a comment telling us!!!


Christian author and motivational speaker Andrews effectively combines self-help with fiction to catch readers’ interest, sustaining momentum while simultaneously passing on instructions for positive thinking. With his can-do style,

Andrews (Storms of Perfection; Tales from Sawyerton Springs) tells the allegorical tragedy of one David Ponder, whose woes begin when he loses his job, his confidence and essentially his drive for living.

After a succession of losses, Ponder is rendered unconscious after a car accident, and is magically transported into seven key points in history.

At each stopping point, he is met by historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Anne Frank, King Solomon, Harry Truman and Christopher Columbus, each of whom imparts one of the seven key decisions that Andrews asserts are essential for personal success.

After his travel through time, Ponder regains consciousness in a hospital and discovers he is holding letters given to him by the various heroes.

The letters offer familiar self-help counsel: accept that the buck stops with you, become a wisdom seeker and a person of action, determine to be happy, open the day with a forgiving spirit, and persist despite all odds.

Although Andrews writes from a Christian perspective, his overall message (trust that God is sovereign, but do your part in making your future happen) will ring true with a broad spectrum of inspirational readers.

Some astute thinkers may be put off by the simplistic story line, but Andrews does an exemplary job at providing positive suggestions for overcoming life’s obstacles.

Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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