What’s holding you back?
If you want to sail into the open seas, you must let go of the anchor that is locking you in the harbor. Isn’t that a great visual of what can happen to us in our own personal lives when we hold on to things that are holding us back? We are excited to bring you this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word release. If you are going to achieve your goals and dreams whatever they may be, you must be willing to release things in your life that no longer serve you or that are holding you back from being your best self. We want to challenge you this week to really think about what it is you want in life and what it is that’s holding you back. The truth is, holding on can do more damage than we think. Consider lugging around a 25 pound bag everywhere you go. It may not cause pain initially, but in time, it will start to wear on your body. Your joints and muscles will become exhausted from this heavy load. It’s the same when we don’t release emotional baggage or hang-ups that keep us down. At first, we don’t recognize the effects, but over time it impacts us greatly. Emotionally, we hold on to memories that no longer serve us, whether good or bad, and we hang on to grudges that zap our energy. We have habits that burden us because we know we shouldn’t do it, but the pain of letting it go seems overwhelming. Ultimately, what we tend to do is hold on to what we don’t want, instead of freeing our thoughts to focus on what we do want. The time is now to press the release button and let go of whatever it is that’s holding you back.
Your Weekly Winning Word:
Your Weekly Winning Article:
As Natasha Bedingfield said in her popular early 2000’s song Unwritten, “release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin.” What she meant by that was to let nothing stop you. Release everything that is holding you back, which she refers to as inhibitions. How would one define inhibitions? We found this really great (and easy quick read) article that shares 5 ways to release your inhibitions. Click Here to Read
Your Weekly Winning Challenge:
Your Weekly Winning Quote:
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