Your dreams are noteworthy!

We are excited to deliver your 34th edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word noteworthy. This content is designed to help you stay motivated, encouraged, and focused on your goals. 

What you desire and dream of is truly noteworthy. It’s not just a passing thought or a fleeting wish—it’s a signal that something within you deserves to be brought to life. Your goals and dreams aren’t mere whims; they are significant, and they demand your attention because they are integral to your purpose. If you are going to achieve the dreams and goals you desire, you must first recognize them as noteworthy. You need to believe in the worth of your aspirations and in your own ability to bring them to fruition. Your goals and dreams are the keys that unlock the door to your greater purpose, the most noteworthy thing you can pursue in life. Every nudge you feel toward something bigger, every idea that sparks excitement, every moment that sends chills down your spine—these are not random. They are  clues, guiding you toward what you should and could be doing. These moments deserve your full attention.

Your Weekly Winning Word:


Deserving attention because of being important or interesting.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Each of us has a unique mission to accomplish while we’re here on earth, and it’s worthy of our utmost focus and dedication. So, what is that for you? What have you been ignoring or putting off that’s calling for your attention? It’s time to honor what’s noteworthy in your life. It’s time to take action and move forward with purpose. Check out your weekly winning article for more information on uncovering what’s truly noteworthy in your life.

Click Here to Read

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

This week, your challenge is to reflect and act. Set aside 10-15 minutes to think about your goals and dreams and the ideas that keep coming back to you. Write down anything that stands out to you as meaningful and exciting, or something that’s nudging you towards a greater purpose. Identify one actionable step you can take this week to move closer to this noteworthy goal.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Each of us has a unique mission to accomplish while we’re here on earth, and it’s worthy of our utmost focus and dedication.” ~Kim Martin

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Living a Life Decided – Kim Martin – Lauren Yoder


Our mission is your success!

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