How can I help you?

We can’t start this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource without first wishing all of our amazing Dads out there a happy Father’s Day! Great Dads can be helpful in so many ways; raising us up on their shoulders to make us feel like the king of the world, teaching us how to ride a bike, and so much more! So today, we salute these great Dads or those in our lives who were like a Dad to us, and we say thank you for being so helpful in our lives. 
Speaking of helpful, this happens to be our Weekly Winning Word. Sometime in the last year, we ran across this book titled, “How may I offend you today?” Now, considering the times we live in, this name is quite hilarious to some degree, but it got us thinking. Instead of taking this snarky position as the title of this book suggests, what if we all had an intentional attitude of, “How can I help you today?” What if from the moment we head out each day, we are intentionally looking for someone we can help. Can you imagine what a different world we would live in? A world where everyone isn’t rushing around, stressed about gaining more money and more fame, but simply looking for people that could use some help in some way. It just sounds impossible doesn’t it? For most of us, this extreme level of service is unrealistic  because of our lifestyles and responsibilities, but what if each of us simply made some sort of improved effort to be more helpful each day? This is something we all can do. Let’s DECIDE today to have a “how can I help you” attitude just a little bit more, and together we can make a difference.

Your Weekly Winning Word:


of service or assistance; useful

Your Weekly Winning Article:

In a presentation that Father Dom gave at one of our past conferences, he shared about the burdens we all carry, large and small, and how we can help each other bear them. It fits perfectly with our topic on being helpful this week. Take the time to listen to his message here:

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

After listening to Father Dom’s presentation, think of someone you can do something helpful for without asking if they need anything, but just doing it. Share your experience in our I’ve Decided Community Group on Facebook here:

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Sometimes being helpful is simply giving someone a smile.” ~Kim Martin

How can we help you?

Do you have a goal that you’re struggling to achieve? Working with one of our I’ve Decided Success Partners can be very helpful in helping you accomplish the things you desire. Even better, you have nothing to lose! If you haven’t already, consider upgrading your membership to a Launch My Success Membership that includes coaching. You can opt for weekly group coaching or one on one coaching, whichever makes the most sense for you. With our nothing to lose money back guarantee, you have NOTHING TO LOSE and only SUCCESS TO GAIN. If you become a Launch My Success Member and decide after the first month, you aren’t glad you made the switch, we will refund your money no questions asked. Go to your membership website at and be sure to log in as a member. You can select your membership and upgrade today!

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**** Special Event Alert! ****

It is FREE but you need to RSVP Here: RSVP Here

When: Tuesday, June 21st 2-3PM CST at The Garden. or join on Zoom  here:  Passcode:  696804

Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here: Past Recordings – Members Only and it will direct you to our website to watch!  

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