Happy Birthday, America!

Welcome to this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word gallant. What an appropriate word as we celebrate the birthday of our country this week. It took a lot of gallant people to get us where we are today. No, we’re not perfect, but in comparison to other places, we have a pretty nice place to live here in the good ole, USA! 
Gallant is a great word! If you are gallant, you are courageous and brave! Fear can steal your goals and dreams right from you because it creeps in and causes you to doubt your abilities. The more gallant you are, the less likely this will happen to you. Your success is counting on you to be brave. It takes guts to share your dreams with the world and even more courage to take action on them. Every one of us have fears that can zap our confidence and keep us from taking advantage of opportunities that come our way. Fear is the number one reason people do not achieve the goals they set for themselves. Fear of what will happen, fear of loss, and fear of failure are at the top of the list.  The good news is, you can work at being more gallant which will help you overcome these fears. If you are going to live a fulfilled life and achieve the success you desire, you must be gallant; brave and courageous! 

Your Weekly Winning Word:


showing courage; very brave.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

The key to kicking fear to the curb is a gallant mindset. We found there are three important things you can do to be more gallant so you can achieve your goals and dreams, and live a fulfilled life. Check out this week’s article to learn what they are.

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

What is something you would do if fear wasn’t holding you back? Take time this week to do a complete evaluation of this fear. Write out a list of pros and cons and seek wisdom from someone who has accomplished what you want to do. Consider the outcome. What’s the best thing that could happen? What’s the worst thing that could happen? Determine if fear is the only thing holding you back or if you have real obstacles to overcome before you take the leap and go for it. 

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Be gallant in your endeavors.” ~Kim Martin 

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