Welcome to this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource all about the word enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is the energy, the fuel, and the fire that brings about a successful result. If you want to accomplish great things and achieve your goals, you must be enthusiastic about whatever it is that you want to accomplish. When you are enthusiastic, you become like a magnet; you attract good things to you because of your positive energy. Enthusiasm creates an environment for successful results. What are you enthusiastic about? There is no doubt that when you have things in your life you have an intense interest and strong excitement for, you will get the success you desire. Plus being enthusiastic definitely makes us happy!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


Strong excitement about something; intense and eager interest.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Most people wait to be enthusiastic. Unfortunately, enthusiasm doesn’t just hit us, it must be created. We found this great article about enthusiasm with three critical steps to develop the power of enthusiasm. Check it out here: Click Here to Read the Article

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

It’s not uncommon to start out strong with lots of enthusiasm towards achieving your goal, but after a while your enthusiasm begins to wane. Life happens. You have to work to stay motivated and enthusiastic towards what you want to accomplish. This week take 10 minutes each day to think about the importance of your goal and what it means to you. Think about the benefits of what you want to achieve and read about people who have successfully completed the same or a similar goal as you have.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“An enthusiastic heart finds opportunity everywhere.” ~Paulo Coelho

If you feel like you’re not as enthusiastic as you would like to be or your motivation isn’t where it should be, it’s time for a coach.

Our certified Success Partners will motivate you and help you stay enthusiastic about your goals. If you are not already a Launch My Success Member, now is the time to DECIDE to upgrade. You can opt for weekly group coaching or one on one coaching, whichever makes the most sense for you. We guarantee you will accomplish more in 2022 with the help of one of our certified Success Partners or we will give you your money back. Now, you have nothing to lose! Email us now and let us know you would like coaching.

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