Do this first

We are so grateful to connect with you through the Weekly Winning Resource! If you haven’t guessed already, this edition is all about the word connect. Here at I’ve Decided, we believe that it is through connections that we find our greatest rewards. Our connections go deeper than we may think. In fact, research shows that social connections have nearly as much health benefit as what we eat and how much we exercise. People who feel connected have lower rates of anxiety and depression. Moreover, we have a higher self-esteem and are more empathetic to others. Brene Brown, a Professor at The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, and an expert in social connections says, “A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to.” The truth of the matter is that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. Before we can do anything well, we must connect first!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

Life’s biggest lessons, opportunities, and gifts are found in your connections with others. We found this great article that gives us 10 simple ways to deepen your connections. Check it out here: Click Here

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Attend our Community Networking & Learning this Thursday 8:30-10 on Zoom or in person. Make a point to connect with at least one person that you don’t know very well and set a time to meet with them to connect further. Zoom is a great tool to connect with our members who are in other states. Our CNL is held at our I’ve Decided Community Room located at 3709 N Sterling Ave Peoria, IL 61615. The parking and the entrance are in the back of the building. There is a sign on the door. If you will be joining on Zoom, the link is: and the passcode is: 180510 

We look forward to connecting with you there!

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“When we are connected with others, we become better people.” ~Randy Pausch 

Connect with a coach!  A good coach will help you see things with clarity and push you beyond what you thought you could do. A good coach will help you see things with clarity and push you beyond what you thought you could do. If you haven’t upgraded to our Launch My Success Membership yet, the time is now. Included in this membership, is weekly group coaching with one of our awesome Success Partners. You can learn more about them here: Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

WE NEED YOUR HELP…Please help us spread the word about our awesome community. You can help us by following our I’ve Decided Social Media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, and please be sure you like, comment, and share our posts. The more people we can reach, the more people we can help achieve their goals and dreams. Thank you!

Included in your membership are the recordings of our events. If you want to remember a key point you heard in one of our past conferences or from the last Community Networking & Learning (CNL) click here: Past Recordings – Members Only and it will direct you to our website to watch!  

Add our podcast to your playlist from your favorite podcast player, apple, itunes, podbean, google play, amazon, etc..

Search ” I’ve Decided Media “ in App to follow our podcast.


Our mission is your success!

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