Why was Jesus Born?

We celebrate Christmas to honor the birth of Jesus. It seems fitting for this edition of your Weekly Winning Resource then to pose the question, “Why was Jesus born?” Most of us most likely know the answer already, but since our Weekly Winning Word is adequate, it’s a great word to assimilate to the reason for the season. There is one great reason why Jesus was born and that is because He is the only adequate solution for our sinful nature. God is Holy by nature. He is so holy that nothing less than holy can enter into his presence without perishing. Without being holy, we can never be in the presence of the holy God of the Universe. God loved us, and wanted us to be with Him, so He became man to provide an adequate solution for us to have the opportunity to be holy. Our faith in Jesus creates a protection from the penalty of sin, which is death. Jesus was born to die for us. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Jesus truly is the reason for the season. Merry Christmas!

Your Weekly Winning Word:


sufficient for a specific need; good enough.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

The birth of Jesus is the real meaning of Christmas. We found this great article that unveils three fundamental truths about the birth of Jesus. Check it out here: Click Here to Read the Article

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Since it is Christmas week, we want to encourage you to remember the reason we celebrate. Here are 5 bible verses you can read this week on the birth of Jesus. Isaiah 9:6, John 1:29, John 1:9-10, Matthew 1:21, and Matthew 2:1-2.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.” ~John C. Maxwell

Consider the idea of giving someone you love an experience for their Christmas gift this year. That is definitely a thoughtful gift you can give to your special person. For only $189 you can give them the gift of our Motivational and Leadership Conference January 28th and 29th. If you sign them up now, they will get 4 complementary group coaching sessions with one of our certified Success Partners. You can give a gift of coaching to yourself as well by upgrading to a Launch My Success Member if you haven’t already. 

Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

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