Jackie Greer-Buchanan

Jackie Greer-Buchanan is a wife, mom of two daughters, grandmother and an entrepreneur who finds joy in traveling and helping others reach their full potential. As a retired educator of over 35 years, tennis coach and travel business owner she has a passion for teaching, and mentoring others to see a world of infinite possibilities. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Graduate Chapter, Nu Pi Omega and Delta Kappa Gamma, a professional society of women educators promoting professional and personal growth and excellence in education.
Her love for education and learning has inspired her to embark on decades of professional development training in efforts to help other’s embrace and unlock their authenticity to live decided. She committed 5 rewarding years as a Children’s Leader for the International Bible Study Fellowship.
She believes that self-care is an act of love and values restoration from travel and outdoor activities. She is a Girltrek Organizer in Peoria for the world’s largest health movement worldwide. We currently celebrated a goal of 1 million Black women who have taken a pledge to establish daily walking as a life-saving habit.
Jackie is a founding member of I’ve Decided that was designed exclusively for you to achieve your goals and dreams. We have a proven Decide Methodology that will inspire you to envision and incorporate Daily Methods of Operation to live decided.
Her professional development journey began with a leadership class taught by the renowned motivational speaker, Les Brown which made a huge difference in shifting her mindset. She is excited to share experiences that helped her to Travel LITE.  “Remember the right mindset is key to your success!”
Travel Coach   JackieGB

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