I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Sam Miller – Choice

July 20, 2022 | 0 Comments

It’s no secret the choices you make today will determine the outcome you see tomorrow. Every single choice you make has a consequence. We learn this from a very early age. If you touch a hot stove, you will get burned. If you break the rules, you will find yourself in trouble. We know this. At some point in our lives, each of us have experienced a negative outcome because of a bad choice, and we have experienced a positive outcome because of a good choice. It’s the law of attraction; you get what you give.

Tune in now to listen to our host Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided and her guest Sam Miller, Dreaming Made Simple as they talk about the weekly winning word choice.

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I’ve Decided: Host Andy Thornton & guest Ben Watt – Ebullient

July 13, 2022 | 0 Comments

It is no secret that we live in the age of technology and information. Albeit there are many pros about having this data at our fingertips, there are also many cons. One major downside to “news at the click of a button” is our human brain is not equipped to absorb and successfully process at the levels we are exposed to. Facts and opinions start to intermingle and suddenly, we don’t even know what is true or what to believe anymore. This situation breeds low morale, zaps our energy, and causes even the most positive people to be more negative. This is a serious issue because the world does not need more negative things or negative people. The world needs more ebullient people to make a positive impact.

Tune in now to listen to our host Andy Thornton, CEO of the Greater Peoria Family YMCA and his guest Ben Watt, Founder of Next Step as they talk about the weekly winning word ebullient.

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I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Greg Eberle – Gallant

July 5, 2022 | 0 Comments

Gallant is a great word! If you are gallant, you are courageous and brave! Fear can steal your goals and dreams right from you because it creeps in and causes you to doubt your abilities. The more gallant you are, the less likely this will happen to you. Your success is counting on you to be brave. It takes guts to share your dreams with the world and even more courage to take action on them.

Tune in now to listen to our host Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided and her guest Greg Eberle, Manger of Hopedale Wellness Center and trainer for the Special Olympics as they talk about the weekly winning word gallant.

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I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Kayla Miller – Imaginative

June 27, 2022 | 0 Comments

How Imaginative are you? Imagination matters when it comes to success. To the extent your imaginative skills will take you, truly does decide how far you can go and what you can accomplish. The ability to use your imagination and think of new ideas will help you along your journey to achieving the goals and dreams you desire. When you allow your mind to imagine the endless possibilities, there is no limit to what you can do.

Tune in now to listen to our host Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided and her guest Kayla Miller, Owner of KM Jewelry Design as they talk about the weekly winning word imaginative.

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I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Ed Maubach – Helpful

June 21, 2022 | 0 Comments

What if we all had an intentional attitude of, “How can I help you today?” What if from the moment we head out each day, we are intentionally looking for someone we can help. Can you imagine what a different world we would live in? A world where everyone isn’t rushing around, stressed about gaining more money and more fame, but simply looking for people that could use some help in some way. It just sounds impossible doesn’t it?
Tune in now to listen to our host Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided and her guest Ed Maubach, National Seating & Mobility as they talk about the weekly winning word helpful.

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I’ve Decided: Host Andy Thornton & guest Evan Jenkins – Openness

June 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

Most people would not argue the fact that healthy relationships are critical for success. There are many contributing factors to healthy relationships but the cornerstone of building a quality and lasting relationship is openness. Openness is defined as being honest and not hiding information or feelings.
Tune in now to listen to our host Andy Thornton, CEO at Greater Peoria Family YMCA and his guest this week, Evan Jenkins, Director of Business Development with Manpower as they talk about the weekly winning word openness.

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I’ve Decided: Host Andy Thornton & guest Becky Rossman – Supplement

May 10, 2022 | 0 Comments

The word supplement is not unfamiliar to most people who desire to live a healthy lifestyle. The wellness industry has made billions selling supplements to enhance or offset a poor diet. However, the actual definition of the word supplement has a much deeper meaning. Supplement is described as something added to complete or improve a thing; supply a deficiency or reinforce.
Tune in now to listen to our host Andy Thornton, CEO at Greater Peoria Family YMCA and his guest this week, Becky Rossman, CEO of PCAV as they talk about the weekly winning word supplement.

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I’ve Decided: Host Andy Thornton & guest Peggy Jacques – Significance

April 15, 2022 | 0 Comments

Gary Zukav says, “Your life on this earth is significant whether or not you are aware of it, and rather or not you desire it.” You can choose to keep your significance locked away or you can decide to unlock the life you were created for.
Tune in now to listen to our host Andy Thornton and his guest this week, Peggy Jacques, Founder and Executive Director at Graceland Center for Purposeful Aging as they talk about 5 keys to help you unlock a life of significance.

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I’ve Decided – Host Kim Martin & Guest Heather Oyler – Immerse

April 3, 2022 | 0 Comments

What are you immersed in? We all find ourselves immersed in something. The key is to make sure to immerse yourself in what will get you the life you desire. On this episode of our I’ve Decided Podcast, Our Founder and Host, Kim Martin, chats with Heather Oyler about her time spent immersing in her self development, what she loves, and how it changed her life. They also discuss 5 things Successful people immerse themselves in. Tune in to see how you compare.

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I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Hayden Maubach – Exuberant

March 20, 2022 | 0 Comments

Just like any behavior, exuberance is no different. It’s the habits we create that birth the behavior.
Tune in now to listen to our Founder, Kim Martin and her guest this week, Hayden Maubach, college athlete and owner of Dead Fish Kayaks, as they talk about 16 habits of exuberant human beings.

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