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Set your student up for success in college and in life!
When your student understands what their strengths are, and what it means to them, they will have an upper-hand. The results of focusing on their strengths will be life-changing and set them up to succeed in whatever it is they want to do. 
Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Coaching Program for Students 16-22 $149
Included in the program is the Gallup Strengths Assessment $50 value + 90 minute coaching session with our certified Clifton Strengths Coach, Jennifer Haney. 
What do you need to do?
  • Sign up 
  • You will receive and email within 24 hours from Coach Jennifer with link to access assessment
  • Once your student completes assessment they will immediately get results
  • Call Coach Jennifer at 309-231-7085 or email her at to schedule 90 minute session 

The on-line assessment is accessible from any device and consists of paired statements where your students choose what best describes them.  The assessment measures talents -- natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving -- and categorizes them into the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. After taking the assessment, your student will immediately get the results from Gallup. After receiving results, contact Jennifer Haney-Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coach- at 309-231-7085 / to set up a coaching session that best fits your schedule. Feel free to call or text if you have any questions.

The coaching session brings the report to life and provides the following benefits:
  • Personalized, interactive coaching to help students better understand their individual talents and how to apply them to excel in their future careers and personal lives
  • Increased self-awareness, pride and confidence in their innate abilities
  • Gives your student a foundation on which they can build their future
  • Motivation and excitement to continue developing in these areas of strength

Discounted package for students is only $149 for the assessment & 90-minute personal coaching session. Sign up anytime by filling out the form below. The sooner the better to help your student understand their strengths and start leveraging them in all areas of life!

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Sign Me Up!

  • $149.00