Refresh and Restart!- 5 ways you can refresh yourself.

There comes a time when we feel tapped out, like there is just no more to give. We’re out of patience, energy, peace and ideas, and left with exhaustion and frustration. When this happens, and life keeps calling, but our resources are limited, we tend to withdraw, and we’re even tempted to give up on our goals. Have you ever felt like this? Maybe you feel that way now. If so, it’s not time to wave the white flag, it’s simply time to rest, refresh your mind, and reset, so you can recharge and restart!

If it’s been a while since you’ve refilled your little pot of oil so to speak, you may need some tips to help you get started, to help you relax, and a reminder of how important it is to take this time for yourself. It’s not selfish to take care of you. In fact, it’s the most unselfish thing you can do. When you take time to refuel your own energy, you have more to give to others.

If it’s time for you to disconnect so you can reconnect, here are 5 ways you can refresh yourself.

  • Out with the old and in with the new – There is nothing more rewarding and refreshing than cleaning out your closets, drawers, your car, garage, basement, or whatever it is you haven’t touched in a while. It sounds like a lot of work at first, but once you get started, you will gain momentum. Before you know it, the energy will come, and you’ll be purging like crazy. It’s the best feeling in the world when the things around you are in order. Once you’ve cleaned out all the old things you no longer need, now comes the real fun! Pick one or two new things you can bring in to revive the spaces you’ve cleaned. Maybe a new summer shirt, or a keep sake box for keeping things more organized in the future. It doesn’t have to be big, just something fresh and new. A bouquet of flowers would be nice. The point is, when you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, using the old adage, “Out with the old and in with the new”, isn’t a bad idea.
  • Take time to pray or mediate – There is nothing that will relax your mind and reduce anxiety like taking time to pray and/or mediate. Sit still with an open mind and allow your thoughts to completely empty of anything causing you stress. Focus on something positive and especially focus on your breathing. Take long deep breaths while you simply thank God for all the good things in your life and slowly let go of the things you can’t control. Listen to soft relaxing music or sounds of nature to help you you’re your mind and rest. Taking this time to refresh your mind and spirit will reset you and leave you feeling so much better.
  • Invest in your health – When you do something good for yourself, it makes you feel better. When you’re stressed, the best way to counteract it is with exercise. When you exercise, you’re body releases endorphins and other “feel good” hormones that combat anxiety and stress. When is the last time you drank the proper amount of water in a day? Statistically, 80% of people are dehydrated. This means you most likely aren’t drinking enough water if you’re not measuring the amount you consume. Be sure to work towards drinking about half your body weight in ounces of water. This will ensure you stay hydrated and feel your best. Maybe it’s time to cook a healthy meal. Find a new recipe that is healthy and fun. There is something magical about being in the kitchen creating a meal for yourself. Last, but not least, is sleep. You need about 7-9 hours of good sleep daily. A good way to ensure you get the rest you need is going to bed around the same time and waking up around the same time every day. This takes practice, but it’s possible. When you invest in your health, you will feel energized, refreshed, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.
  • Try something new – When is the last time you’ve tried something new? Maybe a new challenge like learning a second language or taking an art class. Have you always wanted to learn a certain instrument? Maybe the time is now to sign up and do it. There is noting that lights a fire in your soul like trying something new and adding a new talent to your belt. There are so many fun things to try and do. You can learn to bike, rock climb, write a book, or take a cooking class. Literally, the sky is the limit. What is something new you can give a whirl? It will renew your mind, body, and spirit to try something new.
  • Do absolutely nothing – And yes, we saved the best for last! When is the last time you’ve done absolutely nothing? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and impatient, it’s time to just completely unwind. One of the best ways to do this, is simply to do absolutely nothing. Take a veg day. Lay on the couch all day watching your favorite movies, sit outside in a hammock, hang out in a park all day, read your favorite book, lounge by a fire or a pool. Whatever it is that feels like nothing to you…Do that. It’s not selfish to take this time for yourself. It’s the most unselfish thing you can do. When you take time to refuel your energy and refresh your soul, not only is it the best thing for you, but it’s the best thing for those around you. You will have more energy and a better attitude when you take those moments to do absolutely nothing!

These are just a few ways you can refresh yourself and refuel your energy when you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. There are certainly many other ways, but however you choose to reboot, the most important thing is you do it. It is vital to your success. Make it a habit to schedule time in your calendar for opportunities to refresh yourself. Remember, it’s not selfish to take care of you. It’s the most unselfish thing you can do. When you feel refreshed, you are unstoppable.

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