Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Coaching package

Set your student up for success in college and in life!

Jennifer Haney - Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Coaching Program for Students 16-22

Resume Writing Services

Have your resume written by Nyrobi Wheeler.

Nyrobi is an online college professor of business management, leadership and communications at Bellevue University and the University of Arizona Global Campus.

Become Nicotine Free

This program will give you the motivation and help you need to kick the habit of smoking for good!

Virtual via Zoom, Taught by Expert Coach and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Sabra Maurice.

Smash My Stress

Smash My Stress - 4 - Session Course

Virtual via Zoom, Taught by Expert Coach and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Sabra Maurice.

Health Care Solutions

WoW Health Solutions is a free-market healthcare ecosystem OUTSIDE of the traditional insurance market. Our network providers offer their services on “cash” basis including labs and medications with over 70% discounts. Our patients use the WoW app to manage all of their healthcare needs like appointments, payments, test results, and medications.