How to be certain you will accomplish your dreams!

Let’s face it, there are days when we’re running on low and the fuel for the pursuit of our dreams seems to be gone. If this is you, you are not alone, it happens to all of us at some time or another. Your weekly winning resource has arrived just in time to refill your tank! This week is all about the word fervor. To have fervor is to have great passion, enthusiasm, and zeal. Sounds amazing doesn’t it? Why is it so hard, and why do some people seem to have more fervor than others? We found that people who keep going, who stand even in the face of great adversities, never give up and ultimately achieve the success they desire, have some things in common. This type of wholehearted devotion can only happen when you have clearly defined core beliefs based on convictions, ideologies, and morals. The difference maker between those people who seem to rise above and those who shrink back is matching their talents to the things that are the most meaningful to them. You can be sure to accomplish your dreams when your purpose is aligned with the things that matter the most to you and the skills and expertise you bring. Fervor happens when values and gifts unite! 

Your Weekly Winning Word:


Feelings of earnestness, zeal, and great passion.

Your Weekly Winning Article:

If you haven’t identified the things that matter the most to you, then you could end up in a position or role that is frustrating. It is very difficult to find fervor in anything you do if it doesn’t match your core values. One way to avoid this problem is to write a values statement. A well thought out personal values statement helps you to create your brand and clearly define the high moral values you live your life by. In our article this week, we share 4 steps to creating a personal value statement so that you can achieve the success you desire. Check it out here: 4 Steps to creating a personal value statement

Your Weekly Winning Challenge:

Follow the steps in the weekly winning article to create a values statement that can serve as a guiding light for your personal as well as your professional life.

Your Weekly Winning Quote:

“Passion is wholehearted devotion. It is fervor and agony; it is temper and zeal.”  ~Rebecca Ross

How will you feel if you get to the end of this year without achieving the goals you set for yourself? Don’t let that happen. Fuel your fervor with a coach by your side, you can accomplish whatever it is you desire for yourself. The cost for weekly group coaching with one of our Success Partner’s is about the same as one daily venti latte from Starbucks. Are your dreams worth that? We think so! If you haven’t upgraded yet, consider our Launch My Success Membership. Included in this membership, is weekly group coaching with one of our awesome Success Partners. You can learn more about them here:

Learn More – Success Partners

Having a coach is an investment that you can expect to get a return on, it is not an expense. The time is now…What are you waiting for?

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