I’ve Decided: Host Kim Martin & guest Bobby Taylor – Humanity

Tune in now to listen to our host Kim Martin, Founder of I’ve Decided and her guest Bobby Taylor, Owner of Mid-Illinois Companies as they discuss why we lose faith in humanity, what happens when we do, and how to restore it.

It seems the phrase, “I’m losing faith in humanity”, is being heard more and more these days. Why do you suppose that is? Human beings and our human nature verses nurture is so complicated, it’s hard to pinpoint just one answer. The truth is, it’s a complicated mix of all sorts of things. However, there are a couple of factors that are clear about why someone would lose faith in humanity. One is, so much negativity happening in the world at once, and the other is personal experience and interactions with individuals who are feeling the same. You might say, “It’s a vicious cycle.”

Even with all that is happening, we shouldn’t give up hope on ourselves or others. We must take responsibility for our own self-improvement and development and take responsibility for helping the people in our sphere of influence as well. While this may seem like a task too difficult to accomplish, it is possible.